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This is a basic onboarding page of in-app purchase items — SKUs — for your remotestorage app.

Click above — the remotestorage login widget — to login to a lucchetto enabled server hosting your SKU files.


  • @test.rs.overhide.io — hosted testnet server (fake money)
  • @localhost:8000 — your local instance of node.js started with npm run start
  • @rs.overhide.io — hosted production server (beta)

Login with the username (address) you use in your app's appsell widgets — the overhideAddress and ethereumAddress properties in your app's <pay2myapp-appsell ..> components, the 0x.. value, must match the above login username.

This should also be the same address you already configured for receiving US dollar payments through Stripe.com:

This should also be the same address you already use with your Ethereum wallet for receiving payments from your app — if you choose to take ethers.

Once connected to the remotestorage/lucchetto server, login details will show below in the forms.

Most output will be in the pane to the right.

LIST all current SKUs.

Look at the output to the right for a LISTING output. These are the currently configured SKUs for this user.

UPSERT in-app purchase SKU

Add a SKU tag at a price point for a given amount of time.

The price is in US dollars and cents. 0 for free. 50 cents or more otherwise.

The within time constraint is in minutes. Within these many minutes the above amount must have been paid. Set to 0 if unlimited.

The SKU is just an alphanumeric string between 2 and 20 characters comprised of lower case letters, hyphens, and periods.

GET in-app purchase SKU

Get the content as per a previously configured SKU tag at a price point for a given amount of time.

DELETE in-app purchase SKU

Delete the content as per a previously configured SKU tag at a price point for a given amount of time.